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A modern perspective on jihad /Marat Khairetdinov/
A modern perspective on jihad /Marat Khairetdinov/

What actually is jihad? What should a Muslim who is zealously treading the path of Allah strive for? What were the goals and methods of jihad embraced by the Prophet and his companions? Answers to these and other questions can be found in “A modern perspective on jihad”. It is important to mention that this work is based not only on modern materials, but also on a careful study of the Sunnah of the Prophet of Allah . The combination of these approaches has ultimately led to surprising but extremely interesting conclusions

A modern perspective on jihad/Marat Khairetdinov: DUMRF, Moscow Islamic Institute, H. Faizkhanov Nizhny Novgorod Islamic Institute; general ed. Damir Mukhetdinov — Moscow: Medina Publishing House, 2017 — 140 pp (Islam as it is)

ISBN:  978-5-9756-0132-2



From the publisher


Chapter 1. “War and Islam”

The historical context

Internal Arabian contradictions

Why and how many times did Byzantium attack?

The fall of the Sassanids

The Indian chronicles

The encounter with Khazaria

The situation in Spain

How Islam saved Orthodox Christianity

Da‘wah — ​peaceful preaching

Chapter 2. “Modern jihad”

Categories of jihad

The ethics of the “lesser jihad”

Changed realities

Conventional wars in a new format

Unconventional warfare

Striving on the path of Allah through social help

Political battles

“Economic jihad”

The most effective form of jihad

Discernment as methodology

Chapter 3. “The goals of jihad for the first Muslims”

The Qur’an and Sunnah on the different types of striving on the path of the Almighty Allah

Interesting examples of the fight for rights

Unsuccessful and forbidden examples of struggle

Being gradual

Real scenarios



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