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The 2nd International Science Education Conference “Bigiev readings’. Photo album
The 2nd International Science Education Conference “Bigiev readings’. Photo album

The 2nd International Science Education Conference "Bigiev readings’ entitled “Islamic thought in the 21st century: the unity of tradition and renewal” took place in the Russian city of St. Petersburg on May 17–20, 2015.

The event was organised by Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation in cooperation with a number of local and international scientific and educational as well as spiritual institutions. The conference was attended by religious leaders, prominent theologians and researchers from Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Germany, the UK, Belgium, Holland, the US, Belarus, Estonia, Ukraine and other countries. Speakers representing the Muslim community of different continents, cultures and legal systems gathered to discuss the possible current contribution of Muslim scholars and ulamas into the development of the Ummah worldwide and future goals which should be set by the leading thinkers of the Muslim nation today.

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