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Из истории российских мусульман / From the History of Muslims of Russia
Il’dus K. Zagidullin
Projects of Reforming of Management of Spiritual Affairs of the Crimean Tatars of 1865–1869 Years
Rinat A. Nabiev, Nail B. Abulkhanov
Changes in the Juridical Culture of Tatar Muslim Community in the Russian Empire in the End of the Nineteenth — the Beginning of the Twentieth Centuries
Ritsa Sh. Zel’nitskaya, Sofia R. Useinova
Artifacts with Arabic Script in the Collections of Karata, Didoi and Botlikh Peoples in the Collection of the Russian Museum of Ethnography
Naima A. Neflyasheva
The Soviet Shari‘a. Ushir-Zakyat in the System of Social Protection in the First Half of 1920s (Case of Adygeya)
ФИЛОСОФСКАЯ МЫСЛЬ В ИСЛАМЕ / Philosophical Thought in Islam
Нофал Ф. О.
Васил б. ‘Аттаʼ и рождение мутазилитских «первооснов»
Faris O. Nofal
Vasil b. ʽAttah and the Birth of Muʽtazilite ‘First Grounds’
Корнеева Т. Г.
Персоязычная философская терминология Насира Хусрава
Tatiana G. Korneeva
Persian Philosophical Terminology of Nasir Khusraw
ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ РОССИЙСКИХ МУСУЛЬМАН: ИСТОРИЯ И СОВРЕМЕННОСТЬ / Education of Muslims of Russia: History and Present Time
Guzel M. Tuktarova
Islamic Law as a Source of Enrichment of Juridical Terminology in Tatar
Закиров А. А.
Габдулла Буби — религиозный философ и просветитель
Aidar A. Zakirov
Gabdulla Bubi as Religious Philosopher and Enlightener
Rinat V. Islyamov
Muslims from Russia (Volga-Ural Region) in the al-Azhar University During the Nineteenth and the Beginning of the Twentieth Centuries
ИСЛАМ В ОБЩЕСТВЕННО-ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЙ ЖИЗНИ СТРАН И НАРОДОВ / Islam in Social and Political Life of States and Peoples
Aidar N. Yuzeev
Islamism, Turkism and Tatarism as Components of Social-Politic Consciousness of Tatars at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
Мохаммад М. Д.
Роль инструментов «мягкой силы» во внешней политике Королевства Саудовская Аравия
Maria D. Mohammad
The Role of ‘Soft Power’ Tools in Foreign Policy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Атанова С.
Репрезентация национального образа: туркменский ковер и национальная самоидентификация
Snezhana A. Atanova
Representation of Turkmen National Image. The Turkmen Carpet and National Self-Identification
Алимова А. Н.
Антун Сааде и идеология пансирианизма
Alfiya N. Alimova
Antun Saʽade and the Ideology of Pansyrianism
РЕЦЕНЗИИ / Reviews
Damir V. Mukhetdinov
Review: Andrei V. Loginov ‘Eurasia and Islam. The Eurasian Vector: the Muslim Religious, Social and Political Thought on Unity of Russia-Eurasia Civilization’