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Russian Muslim culture: the traditions of the Ummah within the sphere of Eurasian civilization /Damir Mukhetdinov/
Russian Muslim culture: the traditions of the Ummah within the sphere of Eurasian civilization /Damir Mukhetdinov/

This book examines “Russian Muslim culture” as a unique social and cultural phenomenon that has been shaped by Eurasian civilization. The analysis makes reference to the ideas of Ismail Gasprinsky and other Russian thinkers. The author attempts to grasp the essence of Russian Muslim culture and place it in the context of contemporary social tendencies, in order to assure it of harmonious development. The work is a call to Muslims to ponder their religious and ethnic, civil and civilizational, identity. The failure to engage in reflection about the unique phenomenon of Russian Muslim culture has resulted in the erosion of this socio-cultural collective and its descent both into radicalism as well as extreme modernization. The author believes that Russian Muslims harbor a special pluralistic potential which is a reflection of the principles of Qur’anic humanism. Recognizing and fulfilling this potential will enable us to carry out the task identified by the great Gasprinsky, who expressed it in the following words: “I believe that sooner or later Russian Muslims, raised in Russia, will come to stand at the head of the intellectual development and civilization of other Muslims.”

Russian Muslim culture: the traditions of the Ummah within the sphere of Eurasian civilization / Damir Mukhetdinov. — Moscow: «Medina» PH, 2016. — 72 p.

ISBN:  978-5-9756-0136-0
УДК:   297
ББК:   86.38



Russian Muslim culture: the traditions of the Ummah within the sphere of Eurasian civilization

1. A history of the question

2. The demographic context

3. The geopolitical and ideological context

4. Islam and ethnicity

5. Russian Muslim culture: social reality

6. Russian Muslim culture: the concept

7. Challenges: liberalism and ultra-liberalism

8. The need to rethink secularism

9. Challenges: radicalization and formalistic religion

10. Russian identity — ​a change in emphasis?


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